Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Weekend in Clemson

Well, I just got back from my 2nd weekend in a row in Clemson working on the Townhouse, and I get to go back again on August 2nd for when the new tenants move in. The plus side of going down there all the time is that I get to see Baby Chase!! This time I actually remembered to take the camera! Unfortunately I was too exhausted after cleaning 4.5 bathrooms and a kitchen to stay and visit for very long, but I still got some cute pictures for Mimi.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blog Test Drive

So...I thought that I would check out the whole blog thing. Some people seem to think it's a good idea when your family is all spread out so I figured I'd give it a shot. I will say that it's not going to be very interesting for quite some time as "The Warner Family" only consists of Clark, myself and our dear little animal children. Maybe I can make some interesting posts about Louie, Jack, and Beemer if they ever do anything more than lay around and sleep all day. I guess we will all just have to wait for the day when there are little Clarks and Stephanies running around to post entertaining blogs about. Until then there won't be too much to talk about.